Next Generation Training

Centre for Advanced Training Systems

The Centre for Advanced Training Systems (ATS) specializes in next-generation training systems and workforce modernisation. We provide trusted, independent advice to:

  • Redesign existing training protocols and systems
  • Create training products for high-risk high-consequence environments
  • Provide independent evaluation of training systems and products
  • Audit training frameworks and training strategy
Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate

We have been fortunate to collaborate with the following organisations::

Learn About the Centre

Learn About the Centre

The Centre for Advanced Training Systems brings together researchers, educators and technology experts to provide tailored end-to-end project management.

Learn About Specific Projects

Learn About Specific Projects

The Centre for Advanced Training Systems (ATS) activities are funded on a project-specific basis and focus on improving workplace training in three main areas: Defence, Health and Education.

Learn About the Team

Learn About the Team

Our focus is on working with organisations to develop, implement and evaluate new training approaches that take advantage of digital platforms, particularly digital simulation platforms.

News & Media

Breakthrough in Stroke Care Training

Original Article Here: Emergency department nurses across NSW will gain valuable real-time experience with stroke care through new virtual reality (VR) training program being rolled out across the state. NSW Health Minister Ryan Park today officially launched the...

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Centre for Advanced Training Systems

Funding: The Centre for Advanced Training Systems (ATS) is based at The University of Newcastle. ATS activities are made possible through project-specific funding, as outlined in the Projects pages.